by Kim Boivin-Sonolet
“I’m reading a book by Brene Brown on vulnerability and I want to be more vulnerable.” “I want to be more vulnerable with my partner but I get scared.” “I’m trying to feel my feelings but I shut down because it’s too...
by Kim Boivin-Sonolet
This is How Positive Change Happens… I often get asked for book recommendations which is great because reading and learning is an important part of positive change. I remember learning years ago that including reading books in the counselling or therapy process...
by Kim Boivin-Sonolet
This is How Positive Change Happens… Last week, I happened upon this writing I did on Jan 24, 2004. During that time, I was preparing to apply for doing my Masters in Counselling Psychology. I decided to do some volunteer work to strengthen my application. At...