Give a Good Apology

This is How Positive Change Happens… A good apology is one of the best gifts to give and receive. Do you know how to give a good apology? When I do couples counselling, I really get to see how people give and receive apologies. I get to see the kinds of...

You’re Needy: How to Communicate Better

This is How Positive Change Happens… You’re needy. We’re all needy. We’re born with needs, we live with them, and we die with them. There’s no choice in this. It’s a given of our human existence, whether we like it or not....

How to Meditate and Be More Mindful

This is How Positive Change Happens… When I work with people in individual counselling or couples counselling in Vancouver or via skype, I often hear requests for “tools”. That makes so much sense. We need tools to be able to achieve our goals in...

Self-Care is Giving to Others too

This is How Positive Change Happens… I just read an excellent article on self-careĀ and one of the main obstacles to it: a pattern of focusing too much on other people and how they are/how their needs are being met to the neglect of focusing enough energy and...

Addiction & the Need for Connection

This is How Positive Change Happens… Today, my mind has been wonderfully blown and my heart has been beautifully blasted open. I’m so grateful a colleague shared an article with me that offers a fresh and amazing perspective on addiction, the causes of it,...

From Criticism and Blame to What?

This is How Positive Change Happens… From Criticism and Blame to What? One of the biggest obstacles we can experience in communication is attempting to address issues or resolve concerns by coming at the other person with criticism/blame. That approach almost...

Remember Death: The Best Intervention?

This is How Positive Change Happens… Remember Death: The Best Intervention? I worked with a client who was having difficulty sleeping because their mind and heart began to get intensely preoccupied with that fact that they were going die. This person did not...

The Criticism – Defense Dance

This is How Positive Change Happens… The Criticism – Defense Dance Most of the time, when we perceive we have been criticized, we react with defensiveness. Sometimes, our defensiveness includes an attack on or a criticism of the other person. So then, they...