by Kim Boivin-Sonolet
“I’m reading a book by Brene Brown on vulnerability and I want to be more vulnerable.” “I want to be more vulnerable with my partner but I get scared.” “I’m trying to feel my feelings but I shut down because it’s too...
by Kim Boivin-Sonolet
This is How Positive Change Happens… How do you feel about getting angry? If you’re like many of my clients, you might believe there’s something wrong with you for feeling angry. You might even think something bad or dangerous will happen if you let yourself...
by Kim Boivin-Sonolet
This is How Positive Change Happens… You’re needy. We’re all needy. We’re born with needs, we live with them, and we die with them. There’s no choice in this. It’s a given of our human existence, whether we like it or not....