This is How Positive Change Happens…

The Joy of Self-care I just read an excellent article on self-care and one of the main obstacles to it: a pattern of focusing too much on other people and how they are/how their needs are being met to the neglect of focusing enough energy and action on getting one’s own needs met in life. Sometimes, this is understood as the balance between self-focus and other-focus.

Self-care can sound like an easy thing to do but it can be a significant challenge for some of us. That’s because, in order to do it, the following are also needed:

  • emotional connection and the ability to assert, and maintain, healthy boundaries
  • enough self-esteem or enough of a sense that we are valuable and important too
  • some support from family/friends/workplace/community
  • the ability to slow down enough so there’s even room available for self-care in a relaxed kind of way not just as another task to jam into the busy schedule

So every time you manage to practice some self-care, appreciate it as the triumph it truly is.

To learn more about self-care, check out this article from the website: